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List Processing


We will process your mailing lists to give you the best possible postage costs.  Often, what we save you in postage, pays for all of the other mailing processing.  It's like getting your mailing for free!!  We sort the lists, remove duplicates, add zip+4 and apply the bar codes, so that your mailing will qualify for the lowest possible rates.

Key Benefits

Looks Professional
Save Money on Postage


Capability 1
Eliminate Duplicates
Capability 2
Add Zip+4
Capability 3
Determine and Print Bar codes

Reference Accounts

  • We have many references; please contact us.
  • Information Request Form

    Select the items that apply, and then let us know how to contact you.

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    Send mail to jeff@qualityfolding.com with questions or comments about this web site.
    Copyright � 2004 Quality Folding and Inserting